Flying to St.Gallen-Altenrhein
The Airport St.Gallen-Altenrhein figures as operator FBO and handling agent. We offer smooth processes, shortest ways and highest comfort for our customers.
Opening hours (UTC)
Slots are not required in Altenrhein.
Opening hours during the World Economic Forum
Mon – Fri | 05.00 - 21.00 |
Sat | 05.30 - 21.00 |
Sun | 06.30 - 20.00 |
Extension will be granted on request.
For each take-off/landing during times below, an extension fee of CHF 500.- per 30minutes will be charged. During midday closure, extension fee will be charged only once:
MON - FRI 05.00 - 05.30 / 11.00 - 12.30 / 20.00 - 21.00 UTC SAT 05.30 - 06.30 / 11.00 - 12.30 / 19.00 - 21.00 UTC SUN 06.30 - 09.00 / 11.00 - 12.30 / 19.00 - 20.00 UTC |

- RWY 10/28 1455mx30m, concrete, grooved, lighted
- RWY 10/28 PAPI
- RWY 10 Instrument approach ILS/DME Kat. 1
- RWY 10 Lead-in lights, SFL sequence flashing lights
TWR: 135.430 Mhz (119.7MHz)
HDLG: 131.505 MHz "St.Gallen handling"
ATIS: 123.780

Handling for all types of aircrafts
All types of business jets up to Global 7000, Gulfstream 650, Embraer Legacy 650, Falcon 8X etc.
On site parking is available. Hangar parking on request.

We would be glad to assist you by arranging limousine or helicopter transfer for your passengers. In close cooperation with our partners, we will arrange transportation from Altenrhein to Davos according to your individual schedule.

VIPs & Delegates
We are glad to offer you special services for your VIP or Delegate Passenger.

Immigration & Customs
For international flights, the airport provides on site immigration and customs services.
For more information, please contact Ground Services or visit the Federal Customs Administration website.