Airport Information
Facts LSZR / ACH.
Communications / Frequencies
- TWR / VDF: 135.430 MHz (ALTN 119.7 MHz)
- GND: 121.80MHz
- ATIS: 123.780 MHz / +41 71 858 51 66
- HDLG: 131.505 MHz "St.Gallen handling"
ILS Runway
- 10/28 concret, grooved, lighted
- TODA 1515m
- TORA 1455m
- ASDA 1455m
- LDA 1400m
Runway carrying capacity
PCN 30F / C / Y /T
Fire categories
ICAO cat. 2 / ICAO cat. 3-6 on request
Customs and Immigration (Switzerland)
Schengen and Non-Schengen immigration
Handling for all types of aircrafts
- Bombardier Learjet, Challenger; Global Express
- Cessna Citation all types
- Dassault Falcon all types
- Gulfstream 200, 350, 450, 500, 550, 650
- Embraer Legacy 135,145 Raytheon Hawker all types
- Airbus 320 types
- Boeing 737 all types
Kilfrost ABC-K Plus (Type ll)
Kilfrost DF Plus (Type l)
Opening hours LSZR
Instrument Flights (IFR)
All times are local.
MON – FRI (inkl. HOL) |
0630 -1200 / 1330 - 2100
SAT | 0730 -1200 / 1330 - 2000 |
SUN | 1000 -1200 / 1330 - 2000 |
In exceptional cases, opening hours may be extended during the times listed below. | |
MON - FRI | 0600 - 0629 / 1201 - 1329 / 2101 - 2200 |
SAT | 0700 - 0729 / 1201 - 1329 / 2001 - 2200 |
SUN | 0730 - 0959 / 1201 - 1329/ 2001 - 2100 |
Visual Flights (VFR)
All times are local.
MON – FRI | 0700 – 1200 | 1330 – 2000 |
SAT | 0800 – 1200 | 1330 – 2000 |
SUN | 1000 – 1200 | 1330– 2000 |
The airport is closed on the following days:
New Years Day (1st of January)
Easter Sunday
Whit Sunday
Christmas Day (25th of December)
Special opening hours on public holidays. Please contact the C-Office for further information.