Das People´s Team

People's Airport St.Gallen-Altenrhein und Fluglinie People's.

Florian Äschlimann

Florian Aeschlimann

Employee Security

Martin Aeschlimann

Employee Winter Services

Erika Arnold

Employee FBO

Oswaldo Audiberti

Employee Winter Services

Nina Balschun

Head of Accounting & Administration People's Air Group

Fidajete Baralija

Employee Cleaning Services

Caroline Barth

Senior Cabin Attendant

Training Cabin Attendant

Fabian Baumgarter

Employee Ramp & Fire Brigade

Cyrill Baumgartner

Employee Fire Brigade

Marion Baumgartner

Employee FBO

Christoph Beeler

Employee Winter Services

Ugo Bontognali

Employee Fire Brigade

Susanne Born

Safety Manager People's Airline

Birgit Brantner

First Officer

Marion Braunwalder

Employee Cleaning Services & Gastronomy

Dominik Breitenmoser

Employee Fire Brigade

Dominique Buff

Teamleader FBO I Info Center & Check-In

Daniel Bühler

Maintenance Manager

Employee Ramp & Fire Brigade

Tanja Brühwiler

Head of Human Resources People's Air Group

Lukas Cadirli-Gleffe

Employee Ramp & Fire Brigade

Fabian Camenzind

Employee Winter Services

Xenya Costabiei

Employee Gastronomy

Pamela Davoli

Marketing & Product Manager

Tino Dietsche

Employee Ramp
Commander Fire Brigade

Airport Photographer

Stefanie Dobler

Assistant Human Resources & Accounting People's Holding AG

Melanie Dürst

Employee FBO 

Marian Eder

First Officer

Deputy Safety Manager People's Airline

Michael Felder

Head of Airport Development


Nadja Forgia

Employee Security

Sabine Forcher

Senior Cabin Attendant

Deborah Frei

Teamleader FBO I C-Office & Handling

Marc Frick

Senior Cabin Attendant

Service Cabin Attendant

Marc Frei

Employee Fire Brigade

Nicole Fürer

Teamleader Gastronomy

Doris Fürer

Employee Gastronomy

Mario Gasser

Employee FBO

Christoph Gautsch

First Officer

Maria Gämperli

Employee Gastronomy

Nikolaos Gialuris

Nominated Postholder Continuing Airworthiness

Shari Nicole Hablitschek

Senior Cabin Attendant

Service Cabin Attendant

Christian Hagen



Jrene Hälg

Employee Security & Gastronomy

Patricia Hämmerle

Flight Operations Office Manager

Nominated Person Ground Operations

Sales Support Manager

Assistant Accountant Airport Altenrhein AG

Walter Hechenberger

Chief Executive Officer Altenrhein Luftfahrt GmbH, Wien AT

Thomas Hörburger


Supervision Commander

Jérôme Huber

Employee Ramp & Fire Brigade

Simone Hürlimann

Employee Gastronomy

Isabella Hütter

Employee FBO

Vanessa Ilg

Employee Gastronomy

Dominik Inauen

Employee Airport Maintenance & Fire Brigade

Pascal Jäger

Employee Security / Fire Brigade

Nina Junker

Marketing & Product Manager

Secretary to the Board of Directors

Andreas Jüstrich

Employee Maintenance & Fire Brigade

Heinz Kälin

Deputy Commander Fire Brigade

Florian Aeschlimann

Toni Kellenberger

Employee Winter Services

Markus Kopf

Owner & Board Director People's Air Group

Jürgen König

Employee Security & Fire Brigade

Jenny Kqira

Teamleader Cleaning Services

Simon Krämer

Employee Winter Services & Fire Brigade

Gerald Kretschmer


Deputy Nominated Person Flight Operations

Erika Kühnis

Employee Cleaning Services

Thomas Krutzler

Chief Executive Officer People's Air Group
Chief Commercial Officer People's Air Group

Accountable Manager People's Airline


Sarah Lins

Teamleader Security

Marcio Margreiter

Employee Ramp & Fire Brigade

Julia Mathis

Senior Cabin Attendant

David Mätzler


Janine Meier

COO / Flugplatzleiterin / Accountable Manager

Roberto Mehner

Employee Ramp & Fire Brigade

Michèle Mohn

Junior Cabin Attendant

Pascal Montagner

IT-Coordinator & IT-Officer & EFB-Administrator

Erika Müggler

Employee Cleaning Services

Miriam Ohlenschläger

Senior Cabin Attendant

Training Cabin Manager

Deputy Cabin Crew Manager

Timo Nielsen

Safety, Compliance & Training Manager Airport

Gary Pettinger

Employee Gastronomy

Nadine Pfister

Senior Cabin Attendant

Andrea Pölz

Employee Security

René Purin

Employee Fire Brigade

Sascha Raich

Security Manager

Andreas Rempfler

Employee Maintenance & Fire Brigade

Tanja Reter-Petrousek

Junior Cabin Attendant

Jutta Rinderer

Senior Sales Manager

Christoph Ritschl

Compliance Manager People's Airline

Luca Rivelli

Employee Fire Brigade

Carol Roefs

Carol Roefs

Employee FBO

Orlando Rohner

Employee Gastronomy

Fabian Rutz

Employee Winter Services

Ralph Sebek

Employee Security

Carola Schmid

Employee FBO

Frank Schmidt

Employee Fire Brigade

Alexander Schürch

Alexander Schürch

Employee Security & Fire Brigade

Martin Schürch

Employee Parking Services

Nicole-Maria Schwager

Employee Security

Carlo Stark

Employee Security & Fire Brigade

Manuel Stadelmann

First Officer

Assistant to the Nominated Person Crew Training

David Thürlimann

Employee FBO 

Manuel Tobler

Employee Fire Brigade

Nastaran Toja

Employee FBO 

Robert Tufekovic

Employee Fire Brigade

Paul Turner

Employee Security

Gabi Uebersax

Employee Cleaning Services

Esther Vierra

First Officer

Cabin Crew Manager

Deputy Nominated Person Crew Training

Birgit Weger

Employee FBO

Kerstin Weissenbrunner

Senior Cabin Attendant

Training Cabin Attendant

Nicole Willi

Sachbearbeiterin Administration


Toni Winet

Teamleader Ramp & Fire Brigade

Thomas Winder

Employee Security & Fire Brigade

Gabriel Wörle

First Officer

Dominique Witzel


Nominated Person Flight Operations

Nominated Person Crew Training


Bernhard Zingerli

Employee Ramp & Fire Brigade